Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is love all about??


The definition of LOVE is:

Tenderness, fondness, predilection, warmth, passion, adoration. 
Love, affection, devotion  all mean a deep and enduring emotional regard, usually for another person. Love  may apply to various kinds of regard: the charity of the Creator, reverent adoration toward God or toward a person, the relation of parent and child, the regard of friends for each other, romantic feelings for another person, etc. Affection  is a fondness for others that is enduring and tender, but calm. Devotion  is an intense love and steadfast, enduring loyalty to a person; it may also imply consecration to a cause.

Until now I still don't understand why some of my friends want and hope to be attach so badly...
Are they so in need of love or are they just bored, desperate?  Really have no idea in what are they thinking of...I just feel that we can't just rush into things. I believe that when the time is right then it will come. Most of my friends are attached and they will always ask me when am I getting a bf and so on...sometimes it can be annoying though! hahaz...

Sometimes I will have thoughts like...
What is the suitable age to get attached??
Is it even the right time for Love??
Having a crush is normal...but sometimes I will think more than that...but good gracious I know how to control my thoughts although some of my friends said that my actions are kind of obvious...hahaz...:P Is it a crime to like a person? I don't think so...but the most important to me now is GOD! Ever since I know him, my love for him has been increasing everyday and I yearn for his love and I want to draw closer to HIM(: He is the only one who I can really pour out my secrets and I will worship him(:

I feel that it is not the right time to Love someone...I know I'm only good at day dreaming! I feel that when the time is right, I will definitely meet him(: Hopefully him(: I will leave everything to GOD...I believe he have a plan for me. All I wanna say is "DO NOT STIR UP NOR AWAKEN LOVE UNTIL IT PLEASES!" John did mentioned about it and it is right in my  head(:

From my point of view, I feel that in Love, we must have faith in it, just like having faith in GOD(: I am willing to wait for true love. And for those must wait for love, don't awaken love when it's not time...

I feel that I have grown and changed for the better ever since I went to church. I have definitely grown spiritually and my thinking have mature a little I feel(: I'm really glad that I'm part of N493 and also CHC(: I am now satisfied with my life and is happy with it, I just want to live life fulfilling and when the right time comes, when the right man comes, it will come.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shopping with Weersy(:

Today school was good, just that I'm really very tired...): Both my group mates, Josh and Faridah not feeling well, having headache! As for Ridhwan and I, we are just plainly we fell aslp while other group presented...I feel really bad! I tried to listen, but still failed): Lol...seems like I have to sleep earlier as I have to wake up very early like 5.45am every ya!
Anyway after school, I met Weers and went to Haji Lane to get Mich Toh's birthday present...before that we bought food from the basement at Bugis. We bought beef sticks, fried vegetables pancake? & muah chee...went to KFC to eat(: But something annoying crop out...nvm I shall not we continue eating at the water fountain area...watching a lil boy happily playing and splashing the water around, so adorable!!! anyway when we finished eating, Weers and I heard some plastic sound behind us, and at first we thought that it was the person beside us probably taking something out from the plastic bag or so...but the ruffling of the plastic sound continued...and I straight away know that it is from the bushes behind I told Weers that it might be a rat! She dun believe at first but after realizing that our plastic which is use to put the beef sticks is gone, she got freak out when I told her that I saw a rat in the was staring at me! So adorable(: hahaz...its whitish-grey in colour! Look like hamster to me(: A lady beside me went to have a look another lady beside her went off with her food! hilarious...looking at Weers and the Lady's disgusted reaction!!! Anyway after eating, we went to Haji Lane and start hunting for Mich Toh's present(: OMG!!! So many nice apparels and accesories I like in the shop! I'm so gonna buy them once I have save enough $$...we search for about 1 hr and Weers ask me to try them on had loads of fun in the shop and had a great time tgt as usual(: I love my Weersy TTM!!! I can't wait for tmr(: Morning, have date with Maria Yap to gym and swim at her condo! Then after that in the evening, going to Gerald's house to prepare food for the celebration(: So excited!!! WEE!!!
Anyway Weers taught me some new word she created...
1) Morning breakfast = Breakfast
2) Lunch = Lu Lu
3) Breakfast + Lunch = Brunch
4) Dinner = Din Din
5) Supper = Supper
6) Dinner + Supper = Dinper

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I feel that I'm from STA instead of SHL...

Class was very interesting starting from the morning(: Today's module is class love our faci a lot coz he never failed to make lesson fun and interesting(: He even sang a song for us(: His voice was real good!!! We sang along with him...hahaz...I feel that we are all from STA instead of SHL which all of our faci thought so(: lol...everyday in class is just like having music class :D We are musically talented?!?!? oops...:x hahaz...anyway I finished my work very early like 10am plus plus...and I've got nothing to do so I started drawing in class(: It's been a long time since I've picked up a pen to draw...and I totally miss drawing and painting): Anyway I drew a unicorn and I thought of random hahaz...anyway I also wanna share it to the rest of my dearest N493 friends too(: Unicorn is a magical creature and I hope that it will make all your dreams come true(: For the "O" will have to race all the way to the finishing line and give your best shot in your papers(: All the way ppl(:

Monday, November 1, 2010

GOD tells me HIS secrets(:

Sharing secrets with a friend is a sacred trust. We only tell soul secrets to those with whom we have deep intimacy and trust. Hearing the secrets of another is an incredible privilege.
Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence Him.
With them alone He shares the secrets of His promises.
Psalm 25:14  

   Imagine God cupping His hand to your ear and whispering words He intends for you alone.  God’s Spirit continually whispers to the hearts of those in whom He makes His home. He tells you the truth of who you are, how important you are to Him, and His purpose for you in the world.

At times, God’s whispers may seem almost inaudible. His truths are easily blocked by busyness, inattentiveness and sin. But at other times, His words are a megaphone shouting His love into your ear. Either way, take the time to listen. God has secrets to share and you don’t want to miss a single one.